
We’re getting married in Umbria – do you travel?

– Of course. And you only need to add on basic travel and accommodation costs. I don’t charge for travel time, as I can generally get on with work wherever I am.

Panic stations! We’re getting married next week and our photography plans have gone to pieces. Is it still worth calling?

– Yes, please do. I’m sometimes able to help with impromptu bookings. And if I can’t, I’ve got a great network of trusted, recommended photographers who may be able to help.

Do I really have to have all that wedding-dress-and-undies preparation stuff?

– No. Perhaps we should miss out that bit. The service is there for you to choose the settings you want, as you wish.

We’d really like informal shots of us getting ready. But we’ll be ten miles apart. How does that work?

– The perfect reason to bring in a second photographer so nothing gets missed. In some customs, a female photographer may be preferred for some of that work – this is very easy to arrange and won’t add significantly to the costs.

Do I have to pay everything straight away?

– A part of the fee will be requested as a deposit at the time of booking. Everything else should be paid by the day of the ceremony.

Can we meet to see your portfolio and talk to you about what we need before we make our decision?

– Absolutely! Personality and style count for so much. We can meet for a coffee and chat pretty much anywhere and anytime that’s convenient. All advice and suggestions are freely given.

If there’s something else you’d like to ask, anything at all, pop it below and I promise to give a quick response.